Thursday, April 30, 2009

Just as alcohol prohibition gave us Al Capone and the mafia, drug prohibition has given us gangs lik the Crips, the Bloods and drive-by shootings, and violence that is unnecessary . Consider the historical evidence prohibition of certain drugs may cause more violence and cost the country more and more money that we dont have.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I believe  that gun owners should have equal rights,Gun ownership, by itself, harms no other person and cannot morally justify criminal penalties. Gun owners shouldn't be punished, it would be uncostituional to implement gun control, in our country everyone is innocent until proven guilty, and those who own gun and have never harmed or intended to harm any other person should not be penalized for owning a gun.

I Belevie In Personal Freedoms Above All

As the year goes on and we all grow, so has my political identity. Like myself my political identiy has begun to come in to its own, more mature, more informed and more personal.